Hayek, Popper, and the Causal Theory of the Mind

Hayek, Popper, and the Causal Theory of the Mind


Here is the introduction to Ed Feser’s paper from Hayek in Mind.

In late 1952, F. A. Hayek sent his friend Karl Popper a copy of his recently published book The Sensory Order: An Inquiry into the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology. In a letter dated December 2, 1952, Popper acknowledged receipt of the book and responded as follows to what he had read in it:

I am not sure whether one could describe your theory as a causal theory of the sensory order. I think, indeed, that one can. But then, it would be also the sketch of a causal theory of the mind. But I think I can show that a causal theory of the mind cannot be true (although I cannot show this of the sensory order; more precisely, I think I can show the impossibility of a causal theory of the human language (although I cannot…

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Goodbye Consumating.com


One of my, if not THE, favorite website(s), Consumating.com, died on Friday, March 14, 2008. 

In sum, Consumating.com began as a dating site for 20-somethings, but turned into a quirky social networking site, much like Myspace or Facebook.  It was created by the  Internet Rockstar himself, Ben Brown, who sold it to CNET for lots o’ cash.  CNET abandoned Consumating, leaving 1 person to update it weekly.  Instead of trying to revive the site with a small, connected group of diehard, loyal users, it decided to pull the plug. 

Consumating to me…. meant alot.  Some people are disgruntled at CNET because the site was a little piece of the internet hardly anyone knew about, but for those who did, it became a real community.  I talked to and met several people I never would have talked to on the street.  Jason, Oz, and Sheldon… here’s to you.

But my the biggest life changer:  Consumating.com…

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